love and attachment

Love And Attachment

Hi friends, today I would like to brainstorm on this topic. Do you know how to differentiate between love and attachment? I had read a short story somewhere. Although I don’t remember it exactly the brief was like this:  A couple was living a happy married life for 7 years. On their 8th marriage anniversary, […]


Do You Know Gratitude Works Wonders In Life?

How many times do we say ‘Thank you’ to people in our daily lives? We expect people should say thanks when we do something for them but we do not thank when someone does a favor on us.


Honesty- The Virtue Of a Lifetime To Stay Happy

Honesty is a virtue that has been taught since our childhood. But how many of us stick to it? Imbibe this crucial personality trait in you.

spiritual resolutions for 2023

Best Spiritual Resolutions For New Year 2023

Hi Friends, first of all, Wish You a Very Happy, Peaceful, Prosperous, Healthy, and Wealthy New Year 2023! I know you all must have celebrated the 31st December night in different ways. I will not ask how you celebrated 31st December. It is more or less the same. Because all in all, you must have […]

easy while busy

How To Be Easy While Being Busy?

Smita was very frustrated and irritated. For the last two years, her husband Akash was working from home. They were not able to spend quality time together. Both were hardly communicating with each other. Akash had become 24×7  busy with conference calls, meetings, work, and so on. Have you also come across such a situation? […]

tolerance power

Tolerance – Is it a Power or Weakness?

Although people take tolerance in the wrong way it is actually important for one’s peaceful and happy life.


Is It So Difficult to Forgive?

To forgive is the key to happiness. It tends to let go of any negative feelings that otherwise might disturb your mind.


As a Man Thinketh – The Power of Thoughts

“Man is the master of thought, the molder of character, and the maker and shaper of condition, environment, and destiny” How rightly has been put by the author James Allen in his classic book “As a Man Thinketh”. This self-help book of mere 50 pages has a tremendous and unlimited treasure to improve one’s life. […]

time is fleeting

Time is Fleeting. Awaken Yourself!

If you are still in the assumption that there is a lot of time now, awaken yourself before it’s too late. The current time warns you, “It’s now or never”

why me

The Secret of How To Overcome ‘Why Me?’

Every one of us has encountered this ‘Why me?’ disease some or the other day in our life. Whenever something bad happens unexpectedly we ask God, “Oh God, why me? Why only me?” We often do not see the hidden secret behind any incident that we think is bad.