We spend a lifetime to give it meaning or seek it while living life between birth and death. Be it desires to live, dreams, goals, and then fulfilling them. Some people’s dreams come true easily while others have to work hard or pay a high price. We have heard the story of Allauddin and the magic lamp in our childhood. We wish we meet that jin to get all our wishes fulfilled from him. Or we want God to fulfill our every wish. It’s all about giving and taking. Some people in our life are those who we think we know very well but then realize that we don’t really know them. And then we also come across some strangers who become a memory for a lifetime.
These three one-act plays “Your Wish My Command”, “Mi Nastik Shodhtoy”, and “Don Anolkhi”, shed light on the principles of life while setting the criteria of God believing and atheism in life.
Are we God believers or not? Does God love Atheists or believers? – ‘Mi Nastik Shodhtoy’
If you meet a Jin, what wish will you ask him to fulfill? – ‘Your Wish My Command’
When a young boy and a young girl both strangers meet on a rainy night, What will happen? – ‘Don Anolkhi’