About Me

Meenakshi Sutar Writer

Hi Friends,

I am so pleased that you are interested in knowing more about me. Actually, it is very difficult for me to introduce myself. Because in a spiritual language I am not my body. William Shakespeare has already said, “What’s in a name?” But in this world, our name has become our identity. So for now, I will tell you about my secular world. I am Meenakshi Sutar from Pune, Maharashtra. My journey towards the writing field was much unexpected even for myself although writing was my strength since my school days. My school teachers used to appreciate my essay writing. Also, my colleagues & seniors used to praise my email writing when I was working in the IT industry. At that time also I had never thought of writing as my career option. But as it is said, “You ultimately reach where you are destined to be”.

My Life Before Spiritual Path

My life was good until I completed my education in B.E. Computers. But I had to struggle a lot for getting a good job. Destiny had planned many ups and downs ahead for me to face. I had to go through a very unexpected situation in my life. That time I also had the same question – why did this happen to me only? But then I could come out of it with my positive attitude. I accepted the situation and moved on.

I started my career in the IT industry and progressed with hard work. Still, some pain and discontent were there deep in my mind. After working in the IT industry for about 9+ years, I got up to a saturation point and wanted something that will give me satisfaction. Due to some personal reason, I had to leave my job in 2010 and then I was struggling to find my purpose. Maybe, you can say that I was searching for my purpose on this planet.

I tried many things. But since I was not into a routine job, I became very lazy and my lifestyle got boring. I used to wake up by 9-9.30 am. There was no plan as such in my daily routine. In short, I used to just pass the days. Yes, I was reading self-help books to get motivated and was also writing some stuff but was not very excited about it. The main drawback was that I was procrastinating the things and that was leading to more frustration. I am sure, most of you must have gone through this phase, right?

How and Why Did I Shift to Writing?

And guess what, in 2012, I found something that was waiting for me – Writing! I attended one seminar on scriptwriting and realized that I can use my writing talent to make my career and also can achieve what I am seeking Satisfaction & Happiness! I realized that I can express myself better through writing.

And since then I never looked back and have been enjoying writing for various fields. Be it scriptwriting for short films, plays, or content writing for websites and print media such as brochures, flyers, etc. I have also been writing short stories in Marathi on the marathi.pratilipi.com website

I have worked on different genres and topics such as travel & tourism, product description, brochure content, website content, relationships, entertainment.  
My Marathi e-book ‘3 Ekankika’ is published lately in October 2021 and is available on Amazon.

However, while working as a freelance content writer, I didn’t have much freedom for creativity as I had to follow the deadlines and stick to clients’ requirements. I wanted to express my views and share my experiences. Only blogging was the media to pour out my heart.

My Life Today After Starting Spiritual Journey

Well, today my life is totally different. I wake up at 4 a.m. now. I do my content writing assignments with excitement and joy. My close friends now give me compliment that they can feel a glow and happiness on my face. One of my friends told me that now my voice on the telephone sounds calm and soft. My anger has reduced to a great extent. Now I don’t get angry much.

These are all visible changes in me. But I can also feel the change inside me that is invisible outwards but I can feel it. Do you want to know how this has been achieved when everyone felt it was impossible? Even I am surprised to see such a drastic change in me. I have yet to go long way ahead. And I want to share my spiritual journey with you all.

My Mission

I love reading self-help books and inspirational books. I also love to explore the spiritual world. Recently, since last year I have been learning and practicing Rajyoga Meditation and that has changed my perspective towards spirituality and life. It has made a lot of positive changes in my life.

So, for the welfare of society, I have been inspired with the aim of spreading the knowledge gems and benefits of meditation. In this current situation of pandemics, I think it is the need of the hour. This has given birth to my website where you can read my blogs on everything that leads to Spirituality and Positivity in life.

Want To Achieve Happiness and Peace?

So, I will post spiritual blogs every Sunday to refresh your mood and you might also find a solution to your problem.

Thank you for taking the time to read my intro. Looking forward to getting your feedback on my upcoming blogs  J