How To Boost Your Self-Esteem & Overcome Self-Pity?
Do you have a habit of self-criticizing? Or do you judge yourself from others’ opinions? Let me tell you this is very dangerous if you are giving over-importance to others’ negative opinions about you. If they are your loved ones, they will also try to encourage you to overcome your shortcomings. But if they pinpoint your weaknesses without offering any solutions to overcome them, please stop listening to them. Using your mirror is better than looking into others’. Your self-esteem is more important!
I recall a story about a swan amidst a group of ducks. Due to being in the company of ducks, the swan also started believing that it was a duck. Do not let this happen to you. The main point is to love yourself and accept yourself as you are. There is no one like you in this world!
Self-pity Depletes Your Self-Esteem
When you look at yourself from someone else’s eyes, you will ultimately decrease your self-esteem. You are as you are and you are supposed to play your role on this stage of the planet. Our subconscious mind is very receptive to what we think and say about ourselves. So beware and be attentive. So many legends have achieved victory despite opposition from the world only on their faith and confidence in themselves. Blaming yourself for bad fate and denial to change your thinking will defeat you. Why not take the charge in your hands instead? After all, it’s your life. I’m not suggesting ignoring all critics. Some may genuinely help you progress, but you need to have the judgment power to discern.
Remind Yourself – You Are Great!
Now this may seem weird to you but believe me, it does work. Start appreciating yourself. Your every talent or specialty. Everyone has some or the other specialty. Let it be as small as your cooking skill. And no one is expected to be hundred percent perfect in this world. So it is okay if you cannot drive a car or cannot swim. When you start looking at your strengths, you will automatically try to accept your weaknesses. And when you accept your weaknesses, you will try to conquer them, right?
Self Talk – An Effective Way to Boost Self-Esteem
This technique is very effective in boosting your self-esteem. Consider yourself as a third person. You can do this by standing in front of a mirror and talking with that reflection as if it is different from you. It is your close friend. How would you console your best friend if he or she is upset? For example, if someone hurts you by insulting you or cheating on you, then say to your friend in the mirror, “It’s okay, there will be people who don’t like you or love you. But that does not decrease your dignity. Because everyone’s view is different. You are different! You are the Hero of your life’s script”
Say Thanks to God For Being You
You will agree that we are all God’s creation and how will He create any bad soul? So, express your gratitude for your very existence. Had you not existed, there wouldn’t have been any experience of good and bad incidents. There is nothing bad. Everything happens for good. But we don’t realize it. If we have developed any weaknesses or vices within us they are all due to our deeds. And they give us happiness or sorrow. So, instead of complaining about self or God, say thanks to Him! Take responsibility for yourself.
Make a List Of Strengths and Weaknesses
Now this is something about introspection without cheating. No one knows you better than yourself. Recognize your strengths and weaknesses and list them out. Pat on your back for your strengths. Now start working on your weaknesses one by one. And once you are sure that the weakness has gone then remove it from the list. This way you will soon be free from all vices and your self-love will increase. You can start with a goal like replacing any bad habit with a good habit. The prerequisite for this is to have patience and not give up!
Self Care
I know everyone is very busy with their stuff but you have to take out some time for yourself. Taking care of oneself is giving priority to one’s complete health physical, mental, social, and spiritual. Daily exercise, meditation, and joining some groups for any social activity are some of the ways to achieve it. I love to walk in nature and observe every nature’s asset like birds, trees, greenery, flowing water, and so on.
So, after practicing all the techniques above will you have any self-pity now? Just accept and love yourself. Conquer any weaknesses with patience and prove your dignity! Have a Happy life! 🙂
Very introspective and thought full…
Inspiring lines!!!
Very good article..all effective methods to boost self confidence put in very easy way. Thank you